About Us
Mining Engineering Department is basically concerned with the design of all processes related to the exploration, operation, enrichment, and service of underground resources. Mankind has been interested in using underground resources since its existence on earth, and has always worked mines at different stages of its civilization history. Nations that use mines effectively have gained superiority over others. Today, mining engineering deals not only with ore production, but also with many different sectors such as ceramics, building stones, cement, tunneling, construction, environmental protection, excavation sector. In recent years, the increasing trend observed in the use of marble and natural building stones has led mining engineers and researchers to turn to this field. Mining engineers can occupy in all underground and surface mines, industrial raw materials facilities, all levels of the marble and building stones, cement, ceramics, tunneling, drilling and excavation sectors. As a personal entrepreneur, operate in areas such as mining production, mining marketing, ore preparation, soil mechanics studies, office services. There are 3 departments in the Mining Engineering Department. Mining Operations, Mine Mechanization and Technology, and Mineral Processing Departments. The Mining Operations Department covers topics such as excavation, fortification, ventilation, transportation, feasibility, which are related to the exploration of mines and the excavation of ore deposits. Mining Mechanization and Technology Department deals with cutting theories and mining machines. The Mineral Processing Department is concerned with improving the quality of raw ores and preparing them for further processing.