About Us
Department of Mathematics was established in 1992 within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences as of 2023, merged into Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Süleyman Demirel University. Along with undergraduate (in Turkish) education, graduate education (MSc in Turkish since 1993, PhD in Turkish since 1995 and postgraduate education in English since 2013) has been continuing. There are 6 branches in our department: Analysis and Theory of Functions, Algebra and Number Theory, Geometry, Topology, Applied Mathematics, Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic. Our department has a competent and productive academic staff consisting of 13 professors, 1 associate professor and 7 assistant proffessors. In addition to educational activities, we have a student community (SDÜ Mathematics Community) formed to support social and cultural development, encourage interdisciplinary interaction and strengthen the bond with Mathematics. Following its vision, the Department of Mathematics aims to raise individuals who have the knowledge to be able to study at an international level in every field of mathematics, who have the ability to apply their knowledge to other disciplines, who can think critically, who can solve the problems they encounter, who are pioneers in their position and who respect universal values. Graduates can take place in professional groups such as academia, teaching in educational institutions, expertise, IT consultancy, and they can have career opportunities in sectors such as banking, insurance, software, telecommunications, finance, and economy.