About Us
GEOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Geophysical Engineering methods, on the ground, in the air (with satellites and planes), by making use of measurements made in boreholes, mine galleries and laboratories, provide many useful information very quickly and very cheaply for the investor and engineer, both in the project and application phase. In parallel with this, some of the studies that can be done with geophysical engineering research are as follows. * Researching Natural Resources * Industrial Raw Material * Mineral Explorations * Water Searches * Oil and Natural Gas explorations * Geothermal Resource exploration...etc. * Investigation of Natural Phenomena * Seismicity and Earthquake Risk researches * Landslide investigations * Flood investigations * Avalanche investigations....etc. * Microzonation in ground surveys and urban planning of engineering structures of various sizes and sizes * building * Bridge * Barrage * Path * Airport * tunnel * Thermal and Nuclear Power Plant * Port...etc. ground inspections * Microzonation studies * Ground Structure interaction * Research on environmental problems * Groundwater pollution * Soil pollution * Waste storage areas * Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) research, etc. * Examination of the properties of our earth and space * The structure, composition and physical properties of the Earth's crust and interior * Atmosphere research * Ocean explorations * Study of the interplanetary environment * Geophysical surveys on other planets * Other studies * Finding buried metal objects (dangerous drums, lost metal objects, etc.) * Finding buried archaeological artifacts. NUMBER OF STAFF IN THE UNITS; DEPARTMENTS; DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS: DEPARTMENT OF SEISMOLOGY: GROUND PHYSICS DEPARTMENT: 7 Professors, 3 Associate Professors, 4 Research Assistant Doctors, 1 Lecturer is Working… COORDINATORS; DOUBLE MAJOR-MINOR COORDINATOR: Prof. Dr. Sedat YILMAZ ERASMUS COORDINATOR: Res. See. Dr. Erdinç ÖKSUM FARABI COORDINATOR: Prof. Dr. Zakir KANBUR ECTS COORDINATOR: Prof. Dr. Sedat YILMAZ MEVLANA COORDINATOR: Prof. Dr. Sedat YILMAZ SCIENCE COORDINATOR: Res. See. Ibrahim Hakan DEMIRSIKAN OPEN PROGRAMS UNDERGRADUATE: Turkish Normal and Secondary Education MASTER: Turkish PhD: Turkish