

General Geology Laboratory

It is a laboratory for the education of undergraduate students. Various rocks, mineral ores and fossil samples located given as a gift in the laboratory or department compiled from various regions of the World and Turkey in this laboratory. Students who have just started geology engineering education have the opportunity to examine and recognize rock, mineral and fossil specimens in this laboratory.

Mineralogy Petrography Laboratory

In the laboratory, undergraduate students perform optical mineralogy and petrography lessons. The laboratory includes 30 James Swift and Leitz Polarizing student microscopes and 10 Euromex KTD model binocular microscopes. There are also 2 Olympus and Nikon research microscopes and a top-lit mine microscope.

Ore Deposits Laboratory

In the laboratory, which serves under the scope of mineral deposits and geochemistry, various ore and mineral samples, as well as industrial raw materials, are presented. Ore Deposits laboratory is rich in mineral and rock samples from ores in Turkey and in the world of industrial raw beds available beds and numerous examples. Within the scope of Ores Deposits and Industrial Raw Materials courses, students; macroscopically, they use the laboratory to recognize samples with their physical properties (color, line color, density, luster, crystalline shape), as well as to examine samples of metallic mineral deposits according to ore structures and textures, paragenesis, alteration and formation conditions.

Applied Geology Laboratory

Rock, soil mechanics experiments and researches are carried out in the Applied Geology Laboratory. The identification-classification and mechanic experiments of soils such as grain-size distribution, atterberg limits, specific bulk density, triaxial and uniaxial shear strength, CBR, consolidation are carried out. 

In addition, to the physical properties of rock mechanics, mechanical experiments such as freeze-thaw, uniaxial and triaxial point loading resistance are carried out. In the laboratory, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral thesis studies are conducted within the scope of the revolving fund.



Geothermal Energy, Groundwater and Mineral Resources Research Laboratory

In-situ analyzes (in water: pH, EC, temperature, Eh etc.), hydrogeochemical analyzes (major anion-cation and trace element in water), geochemical (rock) and mineralogical analyzes are carried out routinely within our laboratory. In addition, studies such as fluid inclusion, thin section analysis, image analysis system studies, crushing-grinding processes, clay separation analysis, X-ray diffractometer are continuing in our laboratory.

In Geothermal Energy, Groundwater and Mineral Resources Research Laboratory; It also contributes to the analysis of postgraduate thesis studies and projects supported by the public private sector.




Laboratories, in which undergraduate and graduate research studies are conducted, include;

  • Engineering Geology Laboratory:Equipped for standard tests on rocks.
  • Petrography Laboratory: Equipped for preparation and examination of thin section of rocks.. (General Geology Lab)
  • Mineralogy Laboratory: Equipped for examination of hand specimens and thin sections of minerals.
  • Paleontology Laboratory: Equipped for examination of hand specimens and thin sections of fossils.(General Geology Lab)
  • Chemistry Laboratory: Equipped for wet-chemical analysis, flame photometer, spectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
  • Remote Sensing and GIS Center
  • Ore Microscopy Laboratory: Equipped for preparation and examination of polished sections of specimens.
  • Photogeology Laboratory: Equipped for stereoscopic study of aerial photographs.(General Geology Lab)
  • Computational Laboratory: One VINES server linked to mainframe through a network of 12 PC's.
  • Geochemistry Laboratory
  • Image Analysis Laboratory